Fang Xinlihua: Winning the bid for Baosteel Zhanjiang backup layer supply, becoming a successful case of using advanced low-temperature denitrification catalysts in China for at least three years

Publishdate:2018-08-16 Views:19

Time is an important criterion for testing the performance of low-temperature denitrification catalysts. Recently, Beijing Fangxin Lihua Technology Co., Ltd. won the bid for the supply of low-temperature SCR denitrification catalysts for the backup layer of Baosteel Zhanjiang coke oven flue gas denitrification facilities, becoming a successful case in China where low-temperature catalysts have been used for three years

The low-temperature SCR denitrification catalyst produced by Beijing Fangxin Lihua Technology Co., Ltd. in 2015 won the bid for Baosteel Zhanjiang Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.'s coke oven flue gas purification facility EP project, which was contracted by MCC Jiaonai (Dalian) Engineering Technology Co., Ltd., due to its superior product performance and high low-temperature activity. This project consists of four 65 hole 7-meter top mounted coke ovens, with an annual output of 3.4 million tons of coke. The first phase was put into operation in November 2015, and the second phase was put into operation in June 2016. The operating temperature is 180-200 ℃, and the denitrification efficiency is over 90%. To ensure compliant emissions and minimize energy consumption, the reaction temperature is controlled at 190 ℃ and the outlet NOx concentration is controlled within 100mg/Nm3. This project was selected as the second of the top ten technological highlights in the steel industry that year.

Due to the stable operation of the project for nearly three years and the recognition of the product by the owner, our company has recently bid again for the backup layer catalyst that needs to be added after three years of operation. We have won the bid again and will supply it in two batches. Supply in November and install a backup layer during the installation period.

Beijing Fangxin Lihua Technology Co., Ltd. will continuously improve product quality, give back to new and old customers with high-quality products and services, and make due contributions to ultra-low emissions in non electric fields.

Time is an important criterion for testing the performance of low-temperature denitrification catalysts. Recently, Beijing Fangxin Lihua Technology Co., Ltd. won the bid for the supply of low-temperature SCR denitrification catalysts for the backup layer of Baosteel Zhanjiang coke oven flue gas denitrification facilities, becoming a successful case in China where low-temperature catalysts have been used for three years

The low-temperature SCR denitrification catalyst produced by Beijing Fangxin Lihua Technology Co., Ltd. in 2015 won the bid for Baosteel Zhanjiang Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.'s coke oven flue gas purification facility EP project, which was contracted by MCC Jiaonai (Dalian) Engineering Technology Co., Ltd., due to its superior product performance and high low-temperature activity. This project consists of four 65 hole 7-meter top mounted coke ovens, with an annual output of 3.4 million tons of coke. The first phase was put into operation in November 2015, and the second phase was put into operation in June 2016. The operating temperature is 180-200 ℃, and the denitrification efficiency is over 90%. To ensure compliant emissions and minimize energy consumption, the reaction temperature is controlled at 190 ℃ and the outlet NOx concentration is controlled within 100mg/Nm3. This project was selected as the second of the top ten technological highlights in the steel industry that year.

Due to the stable operation of the project for nearly three years and the recognition of the product by the owner, our company has recently bid again for the backup layer catalyst that needs to be added after three years of operation. We have won the bid again and will supply it in two batches. Supply in November and install a backup layer during the installation period.

Beijing Fangxin Lihua Technology Co., Ltd. will continuously improve product quality, give back to new and old customers with high-quality products and services, and make due contributions to ultra-low emissions in non electric fields.