Anhui Fangxin Lihua Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. Annual Production of 40 Low Temperature Denitration Equipment and Supporting Facilities Project Completion Environmental Protection Acceptance Opinions

Publishdate:2018-06-05 Views:16

Anhui Fangxin Lihua Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd

Annual production of 40 sets of low-temperature denitrification equipment and supporting facilities project

Opinions on Completion Environmental Protection Acceptance

Our company has established a Completion Environmental Protection Acceptance Working Group (hereinafter referred to as the "Acceptance Group") in accordance with relevant environmental protection laws and regulations, the "Interim Measures for Completion Environmental Protection Acceptance of Construction Projects", and the requirements of the environmental impact report and approval department of this project. The acceptance group consists of 8 members, including Anhui Fangxin Lihua Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. (construction unit), Hefei Haizheng Environmental Monitoring Co., Ltd. (acceptance monitoring unit), and 3 industry experts. On May 20, 2018, our company presided over a completion environmental protection acceptance meeting for the Anhui Fangxin Lihua Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. Annual Production of 40 Low Temperature Denitration Equipment and Supporting Facilities Project in Hanshan County through self inspection and monitoring of the debugging effect of environmental protection facilities. The acceptance team listened to our company's report on the implementation of the "Three Simultaneous" environmental protection system for the project and the preparation of the acceptance monitoring report by the acceptance monitoring unit. At the same time, we conducted on-site inspections of the project, consulted relevant environmental protection information, and proposed rectification suggestions on the implementation of the "Three Simultaneous" environmental protection system. Starting from May 21, 2018, our company has taken specific measures to conscientiously implement the rectification suggestions proposed by the acceptance team. After the rectification is completed, on May 31, 2018, we reviewed the progress of the acceptance team and formed the following acceptance opinions:

Basic information of the project

Construction location: Qingxi Town Industrial Park, Hanshan County, Ma'anshan City, Anhui Province;

Construction nature: New construction;

Construction content: Annual production of 40 sets of low-temperature denitrification equipment and supporting facilities project.

Construction process and environmental approval status: Anhui Fangxin Lihua Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. commissioned Anqing Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. to prepare the Environmental Impact Assessment Report for Anhui Fangxin Lihua Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.'s Annual Production of 40 sets of Low Temperature Denitration Equipment and Supporting Facilities Project in February 2016. On August 7, 2017, the Environmental Protection Bureau of Hanshan County approved the report with the document Han Huan Shen [2017] No. 42, The project started construction on August 10, 2017, and was completed in November 2017 before starting trial production.

Investment situation: The actual investment is 50 million yuan, of which 1.23 million yuan is for environmental protection, accounting for approximately 2.46% of the total investment.

Acceptance scope: Annual production of 40 sets of low-temperature denitrification equipment and 4000m ³ Low temperature SCR denitrification catalyst.

2、 Changes in this project

The denitrification equipment production workshop (production workshop 1 #) of the environmental impact assessment design project mainly includes the raw material finished product area, cutting and discharging area, assembly welding area, and painting area. During the acceptance period, the production workshop only carries out shell welding, drilling, and all cutting and painting processes are outsourced. Production workshop 2 # will be renovated and constructed using the original factory building, mainly for the denitration agent production section, producing low-temperature SCR denitration catalysts. There is no ammonia storage tank set up in the project area, and ammonia is supplied in a quantitative manner. There is no inventory of ammonia in the factory area. Due to less ammonia produced by spray drying after chemical process, falling film water absorption device was not installed in the spray drying section. In addition, similar to the construction and commissioning process in the same industry, in order to prevent equipment failures from causing the entire production line to shut down, the company has added backup units to some equipment with high failure rates to prevent equipment failures during the production process, facilitate emergency start-up of backup equipment, ensure continuous and stable operation of the production line, and reduce the occurrence of pollution incidents under abnormal working conditions. Therefore, in the actual construction process, some backup equipment with high failure rates has been added. Our company promises that the backup equipment will not operate at the same time as the equipment designed for use, and will not increase the designed production scale and capacity in the actual production process. We will not change the emission standards of various pollutants, and will not increase the total amount of pollutants discharged (see Annex 19 of the acceptance monitoring report, which has been filed with the Environmental Protection Bureau of Hanshan County).

According to the Interim Measures for Environmental Protection Acceptance of Construction Projects and the Technical Guidelines for Environmental Protection Acceptance of Construction Projects, there have been no significant changes in this project.

3、 Construction of environmental protection facilities

() Waste gas

The organized waste gas generated by this project according to the process flow and procedures includes: atomization drying waste gas. The atomization drying waste gas mainly consists of natural gas combustion waste gas, ammonia gas generated from material decomposition, and dust collected from powder materials. Treatment measures: The exhaust gas from the atomization drying section is collected by the cyclone dust collector and bag filter, and then discharged through a 15m high exhaust pipe; Ensure that the system collects dust, which is processed by a bag filter and discharged through a 15m high exhaust pipe; The dust from the powder material entering the warehouse is discharged at a height of 15m after being treated at the top of the warehouse; The secondary mixed waste gas is treated by a bag filter and mixed with the calcination waste gas. The ammonia gas is absorbed and treated by a spray tower before being discharged through a 15m high exhaust pipe; The waste gas from secondary drying and secondary drying is treated by a water spray system and discharged through a 15m high exhaust pipe; Boiler exhaust gas is discharged through an 8m high exhaust pipe; Cutting, crushing, and crushing dust are treated by a gas collection hood and a bag filter before being discharged through a 15m high exhaust pipe.

The unorganized emissions generated by this project are mainly a small amount of ammonia gas generated during the production process. Measures to strengthen workshop ventilation are taken to reduce the impact of unorganized emissions on the external environment.

(2) Wastewater

The ammonia gas generated in the drying section and secondary mixture calcination section of this project is absorbed by pure water and reused for production, with some sold to Anhui Tiepeng Cement Co., Ltd., a Chinese railway material company; The cafeteria wastewater is treated by an oil separation tank and then discharged into the Qingxi River after being treated by an underground sewage treatment facility along with domestic sewage and deionized water preparation wastewater.

(3) Noise

The main sources of noise in this project come from various machinery and vehicles transporting materials and products. Measures such as foundation shock absorption, building barrier, and distance attenuation are taken to reduce the impact on the surrounding environment.

(4) Solid waste

The domestic garbage of this project is collected and handed over to the sanitation department for treatment. The amount of solid waste collected from the powder of the project includes spray drying to collect dust to collect solid waste, ensuring the system to collect dust to collect solid waste, the secondary mixed dust to collect solid waste, and the total amount of solid waste collected from the powder is recycled for mixed production (which will not affect production), which has no impact on the external environment. The project has produced production waste and cutting powder, and the secondary waste is collected and crushed by a crusher. All the crushed materials are used for mixed production (which will not affect production) and have no impact on the external environment. Welding slag shall be centrally processed by the environmental sanitation department. Due to the outsourcing of the cutting and painting of the shell (outsourced by Anhui Tongxing Environmental Protection Engineering Co., Ltd.), there is no hazardous waste generated during the production process of this project, such as waste activated carbon and waste cutting fluid. A small amount of waste engine oil is mainly generated and handed over to the hazardous waste disposal unit signed by Anhui Tongxing Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. for disposal (see Annex 11 of the acceptance monitoring report for hazardous waste disposal instructions).

This project has constructed a 10m secondary mixing area ³ The accident pool and key areas of the factory area have taken anti-corrosion and anti-seepage measures on the ground according to the requirements of the environmental impact assessment.

(5) This project has developed an emergency plan for sudden environmental incidents, conducted practical exercises, and filed with the Environmental Protection Bureau of Hanshan County.

4、 Debugging effect of environmental protection facilities

After on-site acceptance monitoring by Hefei Haizheng Environmental Monitoring Co., Ltd. from December 16th to 17th, 2017, the results are as follows:

4.1 Wastewater monitoring results

During the acceptance monitoring period, the concentrations of various indicators at the total discharge outlet of domestic sewage in this project are: pH 7.15-7.23, chemical oxygen demand 22mg/L, biochemical oxygen demand 5.3mg/L, ammonia nitrogen 5.47mg/L, suspended solids 11mg/L, and animal and vegetable oil 0.24mg/L, all of which meet the intermediate standard requirements in Table 4 of the Comprehensive Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996).

From May 23rd to 24th, 2018, supplementary monitoring was conducted on the groundwater in the monitoring wells in the factory area. The test results showed that the detection indicators met the Class II standard values in the "Groundwater Quality Standard" (GB/T14848-9), and the water quality was good.

4.2 Waste gas monitoring results

During the acceptance monitoring period, the high concentration of unorganized ammonia in this project was 0.15mg/m ³、 The high concentration value of particulate matter is 0.411mg/m ³、 The high concentration of nitrogen oxides is 0.102mg/m ³、 The high concentration of sulfur dioxide is 0.051mg/m ³ Meet the concentration limit requirements for unorganized emission monitoring in the Comprehensive Emission Standards for Air Pollutants (GB16297-1996).

During the acceptance monitoring period, organized exhaust pollutants:

The high emission concentration of sulfur dioxide at the outlet of the exhaust pipe for atomization drying exhaust gas is 32mg/m ³、 The high emission concentration of nitrogen oxides is 35mg/m ³、 The high emission concentration of particulate matter is 21.0mg/m ³ Meet the secondary standard requirements of the Industrial Kiln Air Pollutant Emission Standard (GB9078-1996), NOx meets the standard requirements in Table 2 of the Boiler Air Pollutant Emission Standard (GB3271-2014), ammonia gas emission rate is 0.584kg/h, and meets the standard requirements in the Odor Pollutant Emission Standard (GB14554-93);

The sulfur dioxide emission concentration at the outlet of the boiler exhaust pipe is below the detection limit of 15mg/m ³、 The high emission concentration of nitrogen oxides is 33mg/m ³、 The maximum emission concentration of particulate matter is 3.99mg/m ³ Meet the requirements of Table 2 in the Boiler Air Pollutant Emission Standard (GB13271-2014);

Secondary mixing exhaust gas outlet with high sulfur dioxide emission concentration of 35mg/m ³、 The high emission concentration of nitrogen oxides is 50mg/m ³, The high emission concentration of particulate matter is 17.6mg/m ³, Meet the requirements of the second level standard in the "Emission Standards for Air Pollutants from Industrial Furnaces and Kilns" (GB9078-1996), and the large ammonia emission rate of 0.004kg/h meets the requirements of the "Emission Standards for Odor Pollutants" (GB14554-93);

The high emission concentration of sulfur dioxide at the outlet of calcination waste gas is 41mg/m ³、 The high emission concentration of nitrogen oxides is 88mg/m ³, The high emission concentration of particulate matter is 18.4mg/m ³, Meet the requirements of the second level standard in the "Emission Standard for Air Pollutants from Industrial Furnaces and Kilns" (GB9078-1996), and the large ammonia emission rate of 0.007kg/h meets the standard requirements in the "Emission Standard for Odor Pollutants" (GB14554-93);

Ensure that the system collects dust and exports particulate matter with a high emission concentration of 2.53mg/m ³、 Large emission concentration of particulate matter at the outlet of the dust exhaust pipe for powder storage is 3.54mg/m ³ All meet the secondary standard requirements in Table 2 of the Comprehensive Emission Standards for Air Pollutants (GB16297-1996).

The high emission rate of ammonia gas at the outlet of the secondary drying exhaust pipe is 0.016kg/h, and the high emission rate of ammonia gas at the outlet of the secondary drying and calcination is 0.007kg/h, which meets the requirements of the "Emission Standard for Odor Pollutants" (GB14554-93); Cutting and crushing dust exhaust pipe outlet with high emission concentration of particles 2.62mg/m ³ Meet the secondary standard requirements in Table 2 of the Comprehensive Emission Standards for Air Pollutants (GB16297-1996).

4.3 Boundary noise monitoring results

During the acceptance monitoring period, the daytime noise at the factory boundary of this project is 57.2-61.3dB (A), and the nighttime noise is 52.1-54.2dB (A), which meets the limit requirements of Class 3 standards in the Industrial Enterprise Factory Boundary Environmental Noise Emission Standard (GB12348-2008). The noise emission on the south side near Provincial Road S105 meets Class 4 standards in the Industrial Enterprise Factory Boundary Environmental Noise Emission Standard (GB12348-2008).

4.4 Total pollutant emissions

According to the monitoring results during the acceptance period, the chemical oxygen demand emissions of this project are about 0.19t/a, ammonia nitrogen emissions are about 0.045t/a, nitrogen oxide annual emissions are about 0.712t, particulate matter annual emissions are about 0.5891t, and sulfur dioxide annual emissions are about 0.556t, meeting the requirements of total amount control.

5、 The impact of this project construction on the environment

According to the acceptance monitoring results, the wastewater, exhaust gas, and noise of the project have all met the acceptance execution standards, and solid waste and hazardous waste have been properly disposed of.

6、 Acceptance conclusion

According to the requirements stipulated in the Interim Measures for Environmental Protection Acceptance upon Completion of Construction Projects, the environmental protection review and approval procedures in the early stage of this project are complete, and the technical and environmental protection archives are basically complete. The project construction has not undergone significant changes, and the environmental protection facilities are basically implemented in accordance with the requirements of environmental impact assessment and approval. The environmental protection facilities have passed the load test and testing, Having the conditions for normal operation of environmental protection facilities. Anhui Fangxin Lihua Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. has completed the environmental protection acceptance of the annual production of 40 sets of low-temperature denitrification equipment and supporting facilities.

7、 Subsequent requirements

1. Strengthen the supervision and management of unorganized waste gas in workshops, maintain and manage organized waste gas pollution control facilities, and ensure the long-term stable and standard discharge of various pollutants;

2. Effectively carry out noise pollution prevention and control work to avoid affecting the surrounding environment;

3. Keep temporary storage records of hazardous waste and establish a hazardous waste transfer ledger;

4. Implement the monitoring plan in accordance with the requirements of the environmental impact assessment and approval.

Anhui Fangxin Lihua Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd

May 30th, 2008

Attachment: Fangxin Lihua Acceptance Report 12 PDF

Anhui Fangxin Lihua Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd

Annual production of 40 sets of low-temperature denitrification equipment and supporting facilities project

Opinions on Completion Environmental Protection Acceptance

Our company has established a Completion Environmental Protection Acceptance Working Group (hereinafter referred to as the "Acceptance Group") in accordance with relevant environmental protection laws and regulations, the "Interim Measures for Completion Environmental Protection Acceptance of Construction Projects", and the requirements of the environmental impact report and approval department of this project. The acceptance group consists of 8 members, including Anhui Fangxin Lihua Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. (construction unit), Hefei Haizheng Environmental Monitoring Co., Ltd. (acceptance monitoring unit), and 3 industry experts. On May 20, 2018, our company presided over a completion environmental protection acceptance meeting for the Anhui Fangxin Lihua Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. Annual Production of 40 Low Temperature Denitration Equipment and Supporting Facilities Project in Hanshan County through self inspection and monitoring of the debugging effect of environmental protection facilities. The acceptance team listened to our company's report on the implementation of the "Three Simultaneous" environmental protection system for the project and the preparation of the acceptance monitoring report by the acceptance monitoring unit. At the same time, we conducted on-site inspections of the project, consulted relevant environmental protection information, and proposed rectification suggestions on the implementation of the "Three Simultaneous" environmental protection system. Starting from May 21, 2018, our company has taken specific measures to conscientiously implement the rectification suggestions proposed by the acceptance team. After the rectification is completed, on May 31, 2018, we reviewed the progress of the acceptance team and formed the following acceptance opinions:

Basic information of the project

Construction location: Qingxi Town Industrial Park, Hanshan County, Ma'anshan City, Anhui Province;

Construction nature: New construction;

Construction content: Annual production of 40 sets of low-temperature denitrification equipment and supporting facilities project.

Construction process and environmental approval status: Anhui Fangxin Lihua Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. commissioned Anqing Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. to prepare the Environmental Impact Assessment Report for Anhui Fangxin Lihua Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd.'s Annual Production of 40 sets of Low Temperature Denitration Equipment and Supporting Facilities Project in February 2016. On August 7, 2017, the Environmental Protection Bureau of Hanshan County approved the report with the document Han Huan Shen [2017] No. 42, The project started construction on August 10, 2017, and was completed in November 2017 before starting trial production.

Investment situation: The actual investment is 50 million yuan, of which 1.23 million yuan is for environmental protection, accounting for approximately 2.46% of the total investment.

Acceptance scope: Annual production of 40 sets of low-temperature denitrification equipment and 4000m ³ Low temperature SCR denitrification catalyst.

2、 Changes in this project

The denitrification equipment production workshop (production workshop 1 #) of the environmental impact assessment design project mainly includes the raw material finished product area, cutting and discharging area, assembly welding area, and painting area. During the acceptance period, the production workshop only carries out shell welding, drilling, and all cutting and painting processes are outsourced. Production workshop 2 # will be renovated and constructed using the original factory building, mainly for the denitration agent production section, producing low-temperature SCR denitration catalysts. There is no ammonia storage tank set up in the project area, and ammonia is supplied in a quantitative manner. There is no inventory of ammonia in the factory area. Due to less ammonia produced by spray drying after chemical process, falling film water absorption device was not installed in the spray drying section. In addition, similar to the construction and commissioning process in the same industry, in order to prevent equipment failures from causing the entire production line to shut down, the company has added backup units to some equipment with high failure rates to prevent equipment failures during the production process, facilitate emergency start-up of backup equipment, ensure continuous and stable operation of the production line, and reduce the occurrence of pollution incidents under abnormal working conditions. Therefore, in the actual construction process, some backup equipment with high failure rates has been added. Our company promises that the backup equipment will not operate at the same time as the equipment designed for use, and will not increase the designed production scale and capacity in the actual production process. We will not change the emission standards of various pollutants, and will not increase the total amount of pollutants discharged (see Annex 19 of the acceptance monitoring report, which has been filed with the Environmental Protection Bureau of Hanshan County).

According to the Interim Measures for Environmental Protection Acceptance of Construction Projects and the Technical Guidelines for Environmental Protection Acceptance of Construction Projects, there have been no significant changes in this project.

3、 Construction of environmental protection facilities

() Waste gas

The organized waste gas generated by this project according to the process flow and procedures includes: atomization drying waste gas. The atomization drying waste gas mainly consists of natural gas combustion waste gas, ammonia gas generated from material decomposition, and dust collected from powder materials. Treatment measures: The exhaust gas from the atomization drying section is collected by the cyclone dust collector and bag filter, and then discharged through a 15m high exhaust pipe; Ensure that the system collects dust, which is processed by a bag filter and discharged through a 15m high exhaust pipe; The dust from the powder material entering the warehouse is discharged at a height of 15m after being treated at the top of the warehouse; The secondary mixed waste gas is treated by a bag filter and mixed with the calcination waste gas. The ammonia gas is absorbed and treated by a spray tower before being discharged through a 15m high exhaust pipe; The waste gas from secondary drying and secondary drying is treated by a water spray system and discharged through a 15m high exhaust pipe; Boiler exhaust gas is discharged through an 8m high exhaust pipe; Cutting, crushing, and crushing dust are treated by a gas collection hood and a bag filter before being discharged through a 15m high exhaust pipe.

The unorganized emissions generated by this project are mainly a small amount of ammonia gas generated during the production process. Measures to strengthen workshop ventilation are taken to reduce the impact of unorganized emissions on the external environment.

(2) Wastewater

The ammonia gas generated in the drying section and secondary mixture calcination section of this project is absorbed by pure water and reused for production, with some sold to Anhui Tiepeng Cement Co., Ltd., a Chinese railway material company; The cafeteria wastewater is treated by an oil separation tank and then discharged into the Qingxi River after being treated by an underground sewage treatment facility along with domestic sewage and deionized water preparation wastewater.

(3) Noise

The main sources of noise in this project come from various machinery and vehicles transporting materials and products. Measures such as foundation shock absorption, building barrier, and distance attenuation are taken to reduce the impact on the surrounding environment.

(4) Solid waste

The domestic garbage of this project is collected and handed over to the sanitation department for treatment. The amount of solid waste collected from the powder of the project includes spray drying to collect dust to collect solid waste, ensuring the system to collect dust to collect solid waste, the secondary mixed dust to collect solid waste, and the total amount of solid waste collected from the powder is recycled for mixed production (which will not affect production), which has no impact on the external environment. The project has produced production waste and cutting powder, and the secondary waste is collected and crushed by a crusher. All the crushed materials are used for mixed production (which will not affect production) and have no impact on the external environment. Welding slag shall be centrally processed by the environmental sanitation department. Due to the outsourcing of the cutting and painting of the shell (outsourced by Anhui Tongxing Environmental Protection Engineering Co., Ltd.), there is no hazardous waste generated during the production process of this project, such as waste activated carbon and waste cutting fluid. A small amount of waste engine oil is mainly generated and handed over to the hazardous waste disposal unit signed by Anhui Tongxing Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. for disposal (see Annex 11 of the acceptance monitoring report for hazardous waste disposal instructions).

This project has constructed a 10m secondary mixing area ³ The accident pool and key areas of the factory area have taken anti-corrosion and anti-seepage measures on the ground according to the requirements of the environmental impact assessment.

(5) This project has developed an emergency plan for sudden environmental incidents, conducted practical exercises, and filed with the Environmental Protection Bureau of Hanshan County.

4、 Debugging effect of environmental protection facilities

After on-site acceptance monitoring by Hefei Haizheng Environmental Monitoring Co., Ltd. from December 16th to 17th, 2017, the results are as follows:

4.1 Wastewater monitoring results

During the acceptance monitoring period, the concentrations of various indicators at the total discharge outlet of domestic sewage in this project are: pH 7.15-7.23, chemical oxygen demand 22mg/L, biochemical oxygen demand 5.3mg/L, ammonia nitrogen 5.47mg/L, suspended solids 11mg/L, and animal and vegetable oil 0.24mg/L, all of which meet the intermediate standard requirements in Table 4 of the Comprehensive Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996).

From May 23rd to 24th, 2018, supplementary monitoring was conducted on the groundwater in the monitoring wells in the factory area. The test results showed that the detection indicators met the Class II standard values in the "Groundwater Quality Standard" (GB/T14848-9), and the water quality was good.

4.2 Waste gas monitoring results

During the acceptance monitoring period, the high concentration of unorganized ammonia in this project was 0.15mg/m ³、 The high concentration value of particulate matter is 0.411mg/m ³、 The high concentration of nitrogen oxides is 0.102mg/m ³、 The high concentration of sulfur dioxide is 0.051mg/m ³ Meet the concentration limit requirements for unorganized emission monitoring in the Comprehensive Emission Standards for Air Pollutants (GB16297-1996).

During the acceptance monitoring period, organized exhaust pollutants:

The high emission concentration of sulfur dioxide at the outlet of the exhaust pipe for atomization drying exhaust gas is 32mg/m ³、 The high emission concentration of nitrogen oxides is 35mg/m ³、 The high emission concentration of particulate matter is 21.0mg/m ³ Meet the secondary standard requirements of the Industrial Kiln Air Pollutant Emission Standard (GB9078-1996), NOx meets the standard requirements in Table 2 of the Boiler Air Pollutant Emission Standard (GB3271-2014), ammonia gas emission rate is 0.584kg/h, and meets the standard requirements in the Odor Pollutant Emission Standard (GB14554-93);

The sulfur dioxide emission concentration at the outlet of the boiler exhaust pipe is below the detection limit of 15mg/m ³、 The high emission concentration of nitrogen oxides is 33mg/m ³、 The maximum emission concentration of particulate matter is 3.99mg/m ³ Meet the requirements of Table 2 in the Boiler Air Pollutant Emission Standard (GB13271-2014);

Secondary mixing exhaust gas outlet with high sulfur dioxide emission concentration of 35mg/m ³、 The high emission concentration of nitrogen oxides is 50mg/m ³, The high emission concentration of particulate matter is 17.6mg/m ³, Meet the requirements of the second level standard in the "Emission Standards for Air Pollutants from Industrial Furnaces and Kilns" (GB9078-1996), and the large ammonia emission rate of 0.004kg/h meets the requirements of the "Emission Standards for Odor Pollutants" (GB14554-93);

The high emission concentration of sulfur dioxide at the outlet of calcination waste gas is 41mg/m ³、 The high emission concentration of nitrogen oxides is 88mg/m ³, The high emission concentration of particulate matter is 18.4mg/m ³, Meet the requirements of the second level standard in the "Emission Standard for Air Pollutants from Industrial Furnaces and Kilns" (GB9078-1996), and the large ammonia emission rate of 0.007kg/h meets the standard requirements in the "Emission Standard for Odor Pollutants" (GB14554-93);

Ensure that the system collects dust and exports particulate matter with a high emission concentration of 2.53mg/m ³、 Large emission concentration of particulate matter at the outlet of the dust exhaust pipe for powder storage is 3.54mg/m ³ All meet the secondary standard requirements in Table 2 of the Comprehensive Emission Standards for Air Pollutants (GB16297-1996).

The high emission rate of ammonia gas at the outlet of the secondary drying exhaust pipe is 0.016kg/h, and the high emission rate of ammonia gas at the outlet of the secondary drying and calcination is 0.007kg/h, which meets the requirements of the "Emission Standard for Odor Pollutants" (GB14554-93); Cutting and crushing dust exhaust pipe outlet with high emission concentration of particles 2.62mg/m ³ Meet the secondary standard requirements in Table 2 of the Comprehensive Emission Standards for Air Pollutants (GB16297-1996).

4.3 Boundary noise monitoring results

During the acceptance monitoring period, the daytime noise at the factory boundary of this project is 57.2-61.3dB (A), and the nighttime noise is 52.1-54.2dB (A), which meets the limit requirements of Class 3 standards in the Industrial Enterprise Factory Boundary Environmental Noise Emission Standard (GB12348-2008). The noise emission on the south side near Provincial Road S105 meets Class 4 standards in the Industrial Enterprise Factory Boundary Environmental Noise Emission Standard (GB12348-2008).

4.4 Total pollutant emissions

According to the monitoring results during the acceptance period, the chemical oxygen demand emissions of this project are about 0.19t/a, ammonia nitrogen emissions are about 0.045t/a, nitrogen oxide annual emissions are about 0.712t, particulate matter annual emissions are about 0.5891t, and sulfur dioxide annual emissions are about 0.556t, meeting the requirements of total amount control.

5、 The impact of this project construction on the environment

According to the acceptance monitoring results, the wastewater, exhaust gas, and noise of the project have all met the acceptance execution standards, and solid waste and hazardous waste have been properly disposed of.

6、 Acceptance conclusion

According to the requirements stipulated in the Interim Measures for Environmental Protection Acceptance upon Completion of Construction Projects, the environmental protection review and approval procedures in the early stage of this project are complete, and the technical and environmental protection archives are basically complete. The project construction has not undergone significant changes, and the environmental protection facilities are basically implemented in accordance with the requirements of environmental impact assessment and approval. The environmental protection facilities have passed the load test and testing, Having the conditions for normal operation of environmental protection facilities. Anhui Fangxin Lihua Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. has completed the environmental protection acceptance of the annual production of 40 sets of low-temperature denitrification equipment and supporting facilities.

7、 Subsequent requirements

1. Strengthen the supervision and management of unorganized waste gas in workshops, maintain and manage organized waste gas pollution control facilities, and ensure the long-term stable and standard discharge of various pollutants;

2. Effectively carry out noise pollution prevention and control work to avoid affecting the surrounding environment;

3. Keep temporary storage records of hazardous waste and establish a hazardous waste transfer ledger;

4. Implement the monitoring plan in accordance with the requirements of the environmental impact assessment and approval.

Anhui Fangxin Lihua Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd

May 30th, 2008

Attachment: Fangxin Lihua Acceptance Report 12 PDF