Fangxin Lihua Assists in the 2018 Steel Sintering Ultra Low Emission Technology Exchange and Promotion Conference

Publishdate:2018-12-29 Views:17

Assisted by Fangxin Lihua

2018 Steel Sintering Ultra Low Emission Technology Exchange and Promotion Conference

On December 25th, the "2018 Steel Sintering Ultra Low Emission Technology Exchange and Promotion Conference" hosted by the China Environmental Protection Industry Association was grandly held in Tangshan, Hebei Province. Famous domestic design institutes such as MCC CCID, MCC Jingcheng, MCC Huatian, MCC Jiaonai, CITIC Heavy Industry, Steel International, Ansteel Design Institute, Shanghai Baosteel Energy Conservation, Shandong Laigang Energy Conservation, Chengdu Building Materials Industry Design and Research Institute, as well as well-known domestic design institutes such as Ma Steel, Ansteel, Baosteel, Nissteel, and He Steel More than 160 representatives from steel companies such as Laigang, Jianlong Steel, and Fangda Special Steel attended the meeting. The attending guests gathered together to participate in the grand event, not only discussing hot topics such as policy trends, environmental standards, technical difficulties, and engineering applications of ultra-low emissions of sintering flue gas in steel enterprises, but also observing successful technical cases of ultra-low emissions of sintering flue gas at project sites up close. This progress deepened our understanding of new trends, new technologies, and new processes for low-temperature SCR denitrification of sintering flue gas, Boosting the industry's confidence in low-temperature SCR catalysts for denitrification at 180-200 ℃ has strong reference significance for winning the battle against blue skies.

Yi Bin, Secretary General of the China Environmental Protection Industry Association, delivered an enthusiastic speech at the meeting. He hopes that the attending experts, scholars, business representatives, and engineering technicians can fully express their insightful views on the treatment of steel sintering flue gas, share successful cases of flue gas treatment, unite their efforts, and jointly promote the smooth implementation of ultra-low emissions of steel sintering flue gas, contributing wisdom and suggestions to win the battle of blue sky defense and continuously improve air quality. Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences atmospheric environment scientist Chai Fahe, director of flue gas multi pollutant control technology and equipment engineering laboratory, professor Li Junhua from the School of Environment at Tsinghua University, director of the Expert Committee of the Chinese Society of Metals Wang Tianyi, and chief engineer Lv Wenbin from Tongxing Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., among others, gave wonderful keynote speeches from different fields Interpret the ultra-low emission policies and technologies of steel enterprises from different perspectives. Tangshan Ruifeng Iron and Steel, Songting Iron and Steel and other steel owners warmly welcomed the arrival of leaders, experts, and friends, and shared with the guests the new technologies and processes for ultra-low emissions of sintering flue gas in steel enterprises based on their practical experience in low-temperature SCR denitrification. They also talked about their experiences and feelings in flue gas treatment.

He Hong, member of the Catalysis Committee of the Chinese Chemical Society, professor at Beijing Institute of Technology, and vice chairman of Beijing Fangxin Lihua Technology Co., Ltd., delivered a report on behalf of our company titled "Several Issues on Low Temperature SCR Catalysts and Industrial Applications". Professor He focused on the research history of SCR reactions and catalysts, the research and development of Fangxin Lihua SCR catalysts, and the performance and application conditions of low-temperature SCR catalysts A detailed report was made on the research and development of non vanadium based SCR catalytic activity and industrial application prospects, and several highly concerned issues in the industry, such as why most low-temperature SCR denitrification catalysts on the market are still dominated by vanadium titanium systems, were answered in detail, which caused a warm response.

On the afternoon of the 25th, more than 100 representatives from steel companies visited and inspected the site of the sintering machine flue gas denitrification project at Ruifeng Steel and Songting Steel. The representatives carefully inspected the central control room and denitrification device. According to data from the central control room, when the catalyst temperature is between 200 ℃ and 210 ℃, the general inlet NOx of the denitrification reactor is 180-200 mg/Nm ³, The export NOx remains stable at 20-25 mg/Nm ³。 Through detailed explanations by on-site staff, representatives highly praised the efficient low-temperature denitrification activity of Xinlihua's low-temperature SCR denitrification catalyst.


Assisted by Fangxin Lihua

2018 Steel Sintering Ultra Low Emission Technology Exchange and Promotion Conference

On December 25th, the "2018 Steel Sintering Ultra Low Emission Technology Exchange and Promotion Conference" hosted by the China Environmental Protection Industry Association was grandly held in Tangshan, Hebei Province. Famous domestic design institutes such as MCC CCID, MCC Jingcheng, MCC Huatian, MCC Jiaonai, CITIC Heavy Industry, Steel International, Ansteel Design Institute, Shanghai Baosteel Energy Conservation, Shandong Laigang Energy Conservation, Chengdu Building Materials Industry Design and Research Institute, as well as well-known domestic design institutes such as Ma Steel, Ansteel, Baosteel, Nissteel, and He Steel More than 160 representatives from steel companies such as Laigang, Jianlong Steel, and Fangda Special Steel attended the meeting. The attending guests gathered together to participate in the grand event, not only discussing hot topics such as policy trends, environmental standards, technical difficulties, and engineering applications of ultra-low emissions of sintering flue gas in steel enterprises, but also observing successful technical cases of ultra-low emissions of sintering flue gas at project sites up close. This progress deepened our understanding of new trends, new technologies, and new processes for low-temperature SCR denitrification of sintering flue gas, Boosting the industry's confidence in low-temperature SCR catalysts for denitrification at 180-200 ℃ has strong reference significance for winning the battle against blue skies.

Yi Bin, Secretary General of the China Environmental Protection Industry Association, delivered an enthusiastic speech at the meeting. He hopes that the attending experts, scholars, business representatives, and engineering technicians can fully express their insightful views on the treatment of steel sintering flue gas, share successful cases of flue gas treatment, unite their efforts, and jointly promote the smooth implementation of ultra-low emissions of steel sintering flue gas, contributing wisdom and suggestions to win the battle of blue sky defense and continuously improve air quality. Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences atmospheric environment scientist Chai Fahe, director of flue gas multi pollutant control technology and equipment engineering laboratory, professor Li Junhua from the School of Environment at Tsinghua University, director of the Expert Committee of the Chinese Society of Metals Wang Tianyi, and chief engineer Lv Wenbin from Tongxing Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., among others, gave wonderful keynote speeches from different fields Interpret the ultra-low emission policies and technologies of steel enterprises from different perspectives. Tangshan Ruifeng Iron and Steel, Songting Iron and Steel and other steel owners warmly welcomed the arrival of leaders, experts, and friends, and shared with the guests the new technologies and processes for ultra-low emissions of sintering flue gas in steel enterprises based on their practical experience in low-temperature SCR denitrification. They also talked about their experiences and feelings in flue gas treatment.

He Hong, member of the Catalysis Committee of the Chinese Chemical Society, professor at Beijing Institute of Technology, and vice chairman of Beijing Fangxin Lihua Technology Co., Ltd., delivered a report on behalf of our company titled "Several Issues on Low Temperature SCR Catalysts and Industrial Applications". Professor He focused on the research history of SCR reactions and catalysts, the research and development of Fangxin Lihua SCR catalysts, and the performance and application conditions of low-temperature SCR catalysts A detailed report was made on the research and development of non vanadium based SCR catalytic activity and industrial application prospects, and several highly concerned issues in the industry, such as why most low-temperature SCR denitrification catalysts on the market are still dominated by vanadium titanium systems, were answered in detail, which caused a warm response.

On the afternoon of the 25th, more than 100 representatives from steel companies visited and inspected the site of the sintering machine flue gas denitrification project at Ruifeng Steel and Songting Steel. The representatives carefully inspected the central control room and denitrification device. According to data from the central control room, when the catalyst temperature is between 200 ℃ and 210 ℃, the general inlet NOx of the denitrification reactor is 180-200 mg/Nm ³, The export NOx remains stable at 20-25 mg/Nm ³。 Through detailed explanations by on-site staff, representatives highly praised the efficient low-temperature denitrification activity of Xinlihua's low-temperature SCR denitrification catalyst.