Dynamic | North China Electric Power University Plate Denitration Catalyst Passed Identification

Publishdate:2018-05-08 Views:14

On April 15th, the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering organized a project achievement appraisal meeting for the development and application of a multi temperature and multifunctional series SCR denitrification catalyst and low energy consumption denitrification technology. The project leader and achievement completion person, as well as Professor Yang Yongping, President of North China Electric Power University, delivered a work report.

The appraisal committee believes that the research results provide a solution to the technical difficulties of denitrification in complex flue gas conditions, improve the technical level of SCR denitrification, support energy conservation and environmental protection in industries such as thermal power generation, especially non electric coal-fired power, and have good economic and environmental benefits and broad application prospects. Overall, it has reached the international leading level.

It is reported that the series of flat plate SCR denitrification catalysts and denitrification engineering technologies developed by the project have been successfully applied to flue gas denitrification projects in industries such as thermal power generation, steel coking, waste incineration, and special industrial boilers. The results show that efficient denitrification in multi temperature zones and complex sulfur-containing flue gas conditions has been achieved, effectively improving the low energy consumption, safe and stable operation level of the denitrification system.

This achievement was jointly completed by North China Electric Power University, Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd., Beijing Huadian Everbright Environment Co., Ltd., and Beijing Qingxin Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. In the field of energy conservation and emission reduction, key issues related to SCR denitrification catalysts, denitrification technology, and their engineering applications were addressed, I have undertaken multiple projects, including the 973 project "Basic Research on Energy Efficient and Clean Utilization of Coal Fired Power Generation Systems" and "Basic Research on Energy Conservation in Large Coal Fired Power Generation Units". (Source: China Electric News Network)

On April 15th, the Chinese Society of Electrical Engineering organized a project achievement appraisal meeting for the development and application of a multi temperature and multifunctional series SCR denitrification catalyst and low energy consumption denitrification technology. The project leader and achievement completion person, as well as Professor Yang Yongping, President of North China Electric Power University, delivered a work report.

The appraisal committee believes that the research results provide a solution to the technical difficulties of denitrification in complex flue gas conditions, improve the technical level of SCR denitrification, support energy conservation and environmental protection in industries such as thermal power generation, especially non electric coal-fired power, and have good economic and environmental benefits and broad application prospects. Overall, it has reached the international leading level.

It is reported that the series of flat plate SCR denitrification catalysts and denitrification engineering technologies developed by the project have been successfully applied to flue gas denitrification projects in industries such as thermal power generation, steel coking, waste incineration, and special industrial boilers. The results show that efficient denitrification in multi temperature zones and complex sulfur-containing flue gas conditions has been achieved, effectively improving the low energy consumption, safe and stable operation level of the denitrification system.

This achievement was jointly completed by North China Electric Power University, Energy Investment Group Co., Ltd., Beijing Huadian Everbright Environment Co., Ltd., and Beijing Qingxin Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. In the field of energy conservation and emission reduction, key issues related to SCR denitrification catalysts, denitrification technology, and their engineering applications were addressed, I have undertaken multiple projects, including the 973 project "Basic Research on Energy Efficient and Clean Utilization of Coal Fired Power Generation Systems" and "Basic Research on Energy Conservation in Large Coal Fired Power Generation Units". (Source: China Electric News Network)