Air pollution control requires both a tough battle and a protracted one

Publishdate:2019-08-15 Views:17

The formation of air pollution does not take two days, and it is not overnight to solve it. We still need to make more arduous efforts. It is not just a matter of blowing a trumpet or charging for a lifetime. As long as you persist, the goal can be achieved.

Green development is the foundation of a beautiful China. Green is the color of life and nature, and green development is the direction of the future economy and the expectation of the people. A good ecology itself contains infinite economic value, which can continuously create comprehensive benefits and achieve sustainable economic and social development. Building a beautiful China means changing traditional production and consumption patterns, and achieving coordinated economic and social development and ecological environment protection. On the one hand, accelerate the formation of a green development model, adjust the economic and energy structure, cultivate and strengthen a new ecological industry system, and improve the level of comprehensive resource conservation and recycling; On the other hand, advocating for a simple and moderate, green and low-carbon lifestyle, creating thrifty offices, green families, green schools, and green communities, forming a civilized and healthy lifestyle, and making green living a conscious action of the whole society.

Controlling pollution is the key to a beautiful China. Compared with the past period, the air quality in major cities across the country has significantly improved, and the concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) continues to decrease. The control of carbon dioxide emission intensity has achieved positive results, and the proportion of good surface water quality sections in the country has significantly increased. Soil pollution has also been effectively controlled. However, heavy pollution weather, black and odorous water bodies, garbage siege, and rural environmental problems are still a pain in the hearts of the people and a threat to people's livelihoods. We must remain firm in our determination, concentrate our efforts, mobilize all parties, improve the level of environmental governance, fight well in the defense of blue skies, clear waters, and clean land, continue to carry out rural living environment improvement actions, and retain the beautiful rural scenery of birds singing and flowers for the people.

Ecological protection is the foundation of a beautiful China. Pollution prevention and ecological protection are like the relationship between numerator and denominator. It is not only necessary to subtract the numerator to reduce pollutant emissions, but also to add the denominator to expand environmental capacity and reduce the impact of pollutants on the environment. We must strictly control the ecological protection red line, implement major projects for ecosystem protection and restoration, transform ecological security barriers, build ecological corridors and biodiversity protection networks, and create a community of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, and grasses. At the same time, be proactive, effectively prevent ecological and environmental risks, and properly respond to any form of ecological and environmental challenges.

Institutional construction is the guarantee of a beautiful China. The reliable way to build a beautiful China is to accelerate the reform of the ecological civilization system. In order to change the situation of "Jiulong Water Control" and streamline the management functions of ecological protection, the central government integrated relevant responsibilities to form the Ministry of Ecology and Environment in 2018, strengthen the unified supervision of ecological environment protection, effectively connect the above ground and underground, shore and water, land and ocean, urban and rural areas, carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide, and form an overall joint force of pollution prevention and ecological protection. Next, on the basis of ensuring the implementation and effectiveness of existing reform measures, new reform plans will be formulated in a timely manner to address prominent issues in the ecological environment. Key efforts will be made to carry out central environmental protection inspections, pilot projects for realizing the value of ecological products, and improve systems such as environmental credit evaluation, mandatory disclosure of information, and severe punishment. Through institutional reform, the driving force and vitality of ecological civilization construction will be stimulated.

"Decorating this Guanshan, it looks even better today." For 70 years, we have been tirelessly striving to build a new China with beautiful mountains and rivers; Looking ahead to the future, the prospect of a beautiful China is even more admirable.

The formation of air pollution does not take two days, and it is not overnight to solve it. We still need to make more arduous efforts. It is not just a matter of blowing a trumpet or charging for a lifetime. As long as you persist, the goal can be achieved.

Green development is the foundation of a beautiful China. Green is the color of life and nature, and green development is the direction of the future economy and the expectation of the people. A good ecology itself contains infinite economic value, which can continuously create comprehensive benefits and achieve sustainable economic and social development. Building a beautiful China means changing traditional production and consumption patterns, and achieving coordinated economic and social development and ecological environment protection. On the one hand, accelerate the formation of a green development model, adjust the economic and energy structure, cultivate and strengthen a new ecological industry system, and improve the level of comprehensive resource conservation and recycling; On the other hand, advocating for a simple and moderate, green and low-carbon lifestyle, creating thrifty offices, green families, green schools, and green communities, forming a civilized and healthy lifestyle, and making green living a conscious action of the whole society.

Controlling pollution is the key to a beautiful China. Compared with the past period, the air quality in major cities across the country has significantly improved, and the concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) continues to decrease. The control of carbon dioxide emission intensity has achieved positive results, and the proportion of good surface water quality sections in the country has significantly increased. Soil pollution has also been effectively controlled. However, heavy pollution weather, black and odorous water bodies, garbage siege, and rural environmental problems are still a pain in the hearts of the people and a threat to people's livelihoods. We must remain firm in our determination, concentrate our efforts, mobilize all parties, improve the level of environmental governance, fight well in the defense of blue skies, clear waters, and clean land, continue to carry out rural living environment improvement actions, and retain the beautiful rural scenery of birds singing and flowers for the people.

Ecological protection is the foundation of a beautiful China. Pollution prevention and ecological protection are like the relationship between numerator and denominator. It is not only necessary to subtract the numerator to reduce pollutant emissions, but also to add the denominator to expand environmental capacity and reduce the impact of pollutants on the environment. We must strictly control the ecological protection red line, implement major projects for ecosystem protection and restoration, transform ecological security barriers, build ecological corridors and biodiversity protection networks, and create a community of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, and grasses. At the same time, be proactive, effectively prevent ecological and environmental risks, and properly respond to any form of ecological and environmental challenges.

Institutional construction is the guarantee of a beautiful China. The reliable way to build a beautiful China is to accelerate the reform of the ecological civilization system. In order to change the situation of "Jiulong Water Control" and streamline the management functions of ecological protection, the central government integrated relevant responsibilities to form the Ministry of Ecology and Environment in 2018, strengthen the unified supervision of ecological environment protection, effectively connect the above ground and underground, shore and water, land and ocean, urban and rural areas, carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide, and form an overall joint force of pollution prevention and ecological protection. Next, on the basis of ensuring the implementation and effectiveness of existing reform measures, new reform plans will be formulated in a timely manner to address prominent issues in the ecological environment. Key efforts will be made to carry out central environmental protection inspections, pilot projects for realizing the value of ecological products, and improve systems such as environmental credit evaluation, mandatory disclosure of information, and severe punishment. Through institutional reform, the driving force and vitality of ecological civilization construction will be stimulated.

"Decorating this Guanshan, it looks even better today." For 70 years, we have been tirelessly striving to build a new China with beautiful mountains and rivers; Looking ahead to the future, the prospect of a beautiful China is even more admirable.