The difference and connection between desulfurization and denitrification of coke oven flue gas and power plant flue gas

Publishdate:2020-07-27 Views:15

The development trend of the coking manufacturing industry is closely related to the development trend of steel. According to authoritative experts, coking will be in a transitional period in the next decade. For coking companies with poor economic benefits, desulfurization and denitrification belong to environmental protection investment, which is not easy to generate significant economic benefits. From the perspective of reducing operation and project investment costs, although desulfurization and denitrification in thermal power plants are complete, there are differences in the characteristics of the two flue gases. The flue gas temperature in the thermal power industry is high (350-450 ℃), which can be well integrated with metal catalysts to reflect the provisions of the dialogue box. The coking flue gas temperature is low (190-320 ℃), and ultra-low temperature metal catalysts need to be selected for denitrification, Special measures need to be taken to ensure the reliability of organic chemistry and mechanical equipment for metal catalysts. The regulations for desulfurization and denitrification processing in the large-scale production process are different. The heating furnace in the power plant can be planned to start and stop, and the coking exchange is a continuous production equipment. The energy efficiency of desulfurization and denitrification processing technology in the coking manufacturing industry is similar to that of complete desulfurization and denitrification processing technology in power plants, but it cannot be simply copied and applied to the coking manufacturing industry.

Unlike power plants that have plans for basic construction of desulfurization and denitrification, the machinery and equipment for coking desulfurization and denitrification cannot be used for current equipment updates and renovations. Moreover, the area around the communication chimney has not yet been considered for pre embedding or early overall planning of desulfurization and denitrification, resulting in a difficult overall layout of desulfurization and denitrification. As a result, the production process is simple, with more static machinery and equipment, and the processing technology occupying a very small area.

In terms of project investment and operational costs, from the perspective of green economy application, utilizing existing raw materials in coking plants can reduce the expensive operational costs caused by purchasing raw materials. In addition, the exchange chimney utilizes the relative density difference between gas and organic waste gas to create self adsorption force. When common faults occur in the desulfurization and denitrification system software, the chimney's thermal backup situation must be considered, and the discharged flue gas should not be less than 130 ℃.

The key to simulating denitrification in the thermal power industry with ultra-low temperature catalytic reaction is to choose metal catalysts that are suitable for the characteristics of flue gas. The active temperature of the catalyst should not be less than 180 ℃, while ensuring reasonable ammonia injection and flue gas temperature gradient direction, and preventing the setting of flue gas temperature increasing equipment. In addition, it is necessary to consider the problem of catalyst poisoning caused by flue gas raw water and sulfur dioxide, and prevent the problem of machine equipment adhesion and metal catalyst passivation caused by the deliquescence of ammonia salts converted from NH3 and sulfur dioxide during the entire catalytic reaction process.

So how can coking plants carry out construction projects for flue gas desulfurization and denitrification?

The key machinery and equipment for the coking flue gas desulfurization and denitrification construction project include three major system software: flue gas desulfurization system software, denitrification system software, and flue gas system software. The key machinery and equipment include flue gas desulfurization tower, denitrification tower, GGH, flue gas centrifugal fan, and dust collector equipment. The key challenge in the construction project is the demolition, renovation, and relocation of the current site. The design plan cycle time is about 1-2 months, and the dismantling, relocation, and civil engineering projects take about 50 days to complete. The bidding and procurement cycle for multiple machinery and equipment is about 4 months, and the production of denitration towers and flue gas desulfurization towers takes about 2 months. The software pipelines of the flue gas system depend on the complex situation on site. The processing process pipelines take 20-30 days to complete, and the system software insulation and corrosion prevention take 20 days to complete. The basic construction of the engineering project will take approximately 6 months.

The development trend of the coking manufacturing industry is closely related to the development trend of steel. According to authoritative experts, coking will be in a transitional period in the next decade. For coking companies with poor economic benefits, desulfurization and denitrification belong to environmental protection investment, which is not easy to generate significant economic benefits. From the perspective of reducing operation and project investment costs, although desulfurization and denitrification in thermal power plants are complete, there are differences in the characteristics of the two flue gases. The flue gas temperature in the thermal power industry is high (350-450 ℃), which can be well integrated with metal catalysts to reflect the provisions of the dialogue box. The coking flue gas temperature is low (190-320 ℃), and ultra-low temperature metal catalysts need to be selected for denitrification, Special measures need to be taken to ensure the reliability of organic chemistry and mechanical equipment for metal catalysts. The regulations for desulfurization and denitrification processing in the large-scale production process are different. The heating furnace in the power plant can be planned to start and stop, and the coking exchange is a continuous production equipment. The energy efficiency of desulfurization and denitrification processing technology in the coking manufacturing industry is similar to that of complete desulfurization and denitrification processing technology in power plants, but it cannot be simply copied and applied to the coking manufacturing industry.

Unlike power plants that have plans for basic construction of desulfurization and denitrification, the machinery and equipment for coking desulfurization and denitrification cannot be used for current equipment updates and renovations. Moreover, the area around the communication chimney has not yet been considered for pre embedding or early overall planning of desulfurization and denitrification, resulting in a difficult overall layout of desulfurization and denitrification. As a result, the production process is simple, with more static machinery and equipment, and the processing technology occupying a very small area.

In terms of project investment and operational costs, from the perspective of green economy application, utilizing existing raw materials in coking plants can reduce the expensive operational costs caused by purchasing raw materials. In addition, the exchange chimney utilizes the relative density difference between gas and organic waste gas to create self adsorption force. When common faults occur in the desulfurization and denitrification system software, the chimney's thermal backup situation must be considered, and the discharged flue gas should not be less than 130 ℃.

The key to simulating denitrification in the thermal power industry with ultra-low temperature catalytic reaction is to choose metal catalysts that are suitable for the characteristics of flue gas. The active temperature of the catalyst should not be less than 180 ℃, while ensuring reasonable ammonia injection and flue gas temperature gradient direction, and preventing the setting of flue gas temperature increasing equipment. In addition, it is necessary to consider the problem of catalyst poisoning caused by flue gas raw water and sulfur dioxide, and prevent the problem of machine equipment adhesion and metal catalyst passivation caused by the deliquescence of ammonia salts converted from NH3 and sulfur dioxide during the entire catalytic reaction process.

So how can coking plants carry out construction projects for flue gas desulfurization and denitrification?

The key machinery and equipment for the coking flue gas desulfurization and denitrification construction project include three major system software: flue gas desulfurization system software, denitrification system software, and flue gas system software. The key machinery and equipment include flue gas desulfurization tower, denitrification tower, GGH, flue gas centrifugal fan, and dust collector equipment. The key challenge in the construction project is the demolition, renovation, and relocation of the current site. The design plan cycle time is about 1-2 months, and the dismantling, relocation, and civil engineering projects take about 50 days to complete. The bidding and procurement cycle for multiple machinery and equipment is about 4 months, and the production of denitration towers and flue gas desulfurization towers takes about 2 months. The software pipelines of the flue gas system depend on the complex situation on site. The processing process pipelines take 20-30 days to complete, and the system software insulation and corrosion prevention take 20 days to complete. The basic construction of the engineering project will take approximately 6 months.