Denitration catalyst manufacturer: How to develop low-temperature denitration catalysts?

Publishdate:2021-05-06 Views:22

Manufacturer of denitrification catalyst:At present, there are many methods to prepare Mn/TiO2 catalyst. Taking the production of 10% Mn/TiO2 as an example, the three representative methods of traditional impregnation, ultrasonic impregnation and sol gel are introduced in detail.

1. Traditional impregnation process for low-temperature denitrification catalysts

At the beginning, it is necessary to dissolve 2 grams of nano titanium dioxide P25 to 50 milliliters of deionized water to make it thin and viscous. Then, add manganese nitrate solution and mechanically stir at 20 degrees Celsius for 2 hours. Finally, stir at 85 degrees Celsius until the water evaporates. Then place it in an oven and dry for 12 hours at a temperature of 150 degrees Celsius. Then, use a muffle furnace to calcine it at a high temperature of 250 degrees Celsius for 3 hours. After calcination, it needs to be ground and screened to obtain a catalyst of 40-60 mesh. The descriptive form of the obtained catalyst is 10% Mn/TiO2 (TI), where TI represents the traditional impregnation method.

2. Ultrasonic impregnation method for low-temperature denitrification catalysts

Add 2 grams of titanium dioxide P25 to 50 milliliters of water, and then add an appropriate amount of manganese nitrate according to the different loading amounts. Then put it into an ultrasonic generator, use 25kHz, 400W ultrasonic waves, and immerse it for different times according to different needs. Put it in the oven and dry for 12 hours. Place it in a muffle furnace and calcine it in air at different temperatures to obtain 10% Mn/TiO2 (UI, T, t). At this point, in the user interface, T and t respectively represent the ultrasonic impregnation method, forging temperature, and impregnation time. After the catalyst is compressed and shaped, it is sieved to obtain 40-60 mesh particles.

3. Sol gel method for low temperature denitration catalyst

Manufacturer of denitrification catalyst:Mix n-butyl titanate (1mol), ethanol (1mol), water (0.05-0.5mol), acetic acid (0.01-0.5mol), and manganese nitrate at room temperature, then vigorously stir for 30 minutes to make the mixture a transparent sol. When the mixture changes from transparent sol to gray black gel, it can be dried at 1110 ℃ for 12 hours to obtain porous solid. Put the porous solid back into the muffle furnace and calcine it in an air atmosphere at a high temperature of 500 degrees Celsius for 3 hours. After this step is completed, press it into shape, sieve it, and then take 40-60 particles. The catalyst obtained from this point represents 10% Mn/TiO2 (S), where S represents the sol gel method.

Manufacturer of denitrification catalyst:At present, there are many methods to prepare Mn/TiO2 catalyst. Taking the production of 10% Mn/TiO2 as an example, the three representative methods of traditional impregnation, ultrasonic impregnation and sol gel are introduced in detail.

1. Traditional impregnation process for low-temperature denitrification catalysts

At the beginning, it is necessary to dissolve 2 grams of nano titanium dioxide P25 to 50 milliliters of deionized water to make it thin and viscous. Then, add manganese nitrate solution and mechanically stir at 20 degrees Celsius for 2 hours. Finally, stir at 85 degrees Celsius until the water evaporates. Then place it in an oven and dry for 12 hours at a temperature of 150 degrees Celsius. Then, use a muffle furnace to calcine it at a high temperature of 250 degrees Celsius for 3 hours. After calcination, it needs to be ground and screened to obtain a catalyst of 40-60 mesh. The descriptive form of the obtained catalyst is 10% Mn/TiO2 (TI), where TI represents the traditional impregnation method.

2. Ultrasonic impregnation method for low-temperature denitrification catalysts

Add 2 grams of titanium dioxide P25 to 50 milliliters of water, and then add an appropriate amount of manganese nitrate according to the different loading amounts. Then put it into an ultrasonic generator, use 25kHz, 400W ultrasonic waves, and immerse it for different times according to different needs. Put it in the oven and dry for 12 hours. Place it in a muffle furnace and calcine it in air at different temperatures to obtain 10% Mn/TiO2 (UI, T, t). At this point, in the user interface, T and t respectively represent the ultrasonic impregnation method, forging temperature, and impregnation time. After the catalyst is compressed and shaped, it is sieved to obtain 40-60 mesh particles.

3. Sol gel method for low temperature denitration catalyst

Manufacturer of denitrification catalyst:Mix n-butyl titanate (1mol), ethanol (1mol), water (0.05-0.5mol), acetic acid (0.01-0.5mol), and manganese nitrate at room temperature, then vigorously stir for 30 minutes to make the mixture a transparent sol. When the mixture changes from transparent sol to gray black gel, it can be dried at 1110 ℃ for 12 hours to obtain porous solid. Put the porous solid back into the muffle furnace and calcine it in an air atmosphere at a high temperature of 500 degrees Celsius for 3 hours. After this step is completed, press it into shape, sieve it, and then take 40-60 particles. The catalyst obtained from this point represents 10% Mn/TiO2 (S), where S represents the sol gel method.