Fang Xinlihua was invited to attend the 2019 National Advanced Seminar on Operation, Maintenance, and Standard Emission of Garbage to Energy Plants

Publishdate:2019-05-28 Views:16

Fang Xinlihua was invited to attend the 2019 National Advanced Seminar on Operation, Maintenance, and Standard Emission of Garbage to Energy Plants

On May 23rd, the 2019 National Advanced Seminar on Operation, Maintenance, and Standard Emission of Garbage Incineration Power Plants, hosted by Beixing Environmental Protection Network and Beixing Solid Waste Network, was held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. More than 350 enterprise representatives and industry experts from the waste incineration power generation industry attended the meeting to discuss feasible technical solutions for achieving long-term operation, maintenance, and compliant emissions of waste incineration power plants. They also exchanged and shared experiences on how to shape environmentally friendly waste incineration power plants. Our company was invited to attend the conference, and Vice General Manager Zhang Shengqiang delivered a report on the application of Fangxin Lihua low-temperature SCR catalyst in the treatment of waste incineration flue gas on behalf of the company.


Mr. Zhang gave a detailed introduction to Fangxin Lihua Company, low-temperature catalyst technology, current status of flue gas treatment in the waste incineration industry, and the application of Fangxin Lihua catalysts in the waste incineration industry. Zhang Shengqiang stated that traditional SNCR denitrification cannot meet the requirements of nitrogen oxide emissions. The existing large number of waste incineration production lines need to be renovated and equipped with SCR denitrification, while newly built production lines are generally equipped with SCR denitrification. Low temperature SCR denitrification can reduce enterprise operating energy consumption while ensuring denitrification efficiency and meeting emission standards. To meet the emission standards with a 750t/d waste incineration line, a 45-50m configuration is required ³ Catalyst estimation, the total catalyst demand for 2018 is approximately 5500-6200m ³, This does not include the usage of the original production line renovation. Most of the catalysts in this industry are monopolized by foreign imports, and domestic catalysts are less commonly used. After years of deep cultivation in non electric low-temperature denitrification, Fangxin Lihua has successfully broken the long-standing monopoly of low-temperature denitrification catalysts in the waste incineration industry in recent years, and achieved performance in nearly ten waste incineration lines (including under construction) for low-temperature denitrification.


At the end of the speech, during the interaction with the host, Zhang Shengqiang added to the host's Q&A that The smoke control emissions in the waste incineration industry are likely to develop from existing emission standards to ultra-low or even near zero emissions in the future, given that other industries have sufficient experience to learn from. This trend should be clear. Therefore, not only for existing smoke control technology providers but also for waste power plant users, it is necessary to consider future changes in environmental protection requirements and reserve sufficient margins.

In a special interview with Beixing after the meeting, Zhang Shengqiang provided detailed answers on the main application areas of Fangxin Lihua's low-temperature SCR denitrification catalysts, the differences between Fangxin Lihua's low-temperature SCR denitrification catalysts and those in the market, and the future research and development, application, and promotion directions of Fangxin Lihua's low-temperature SCR denitrification catalysts.


Fang Xinlihua was invited to attend the 2019 National Advanced Seminar on Operation, Maintenance, and Standard Emission of Garbage to Energy Plants

On May 23rd, the 2019 National Advanced Seminar on Operation, Maintenance, and Standard Emission of Garbage Incineration Power Plants, hosted by Beixing Environmental Protection Network and Beixing Solid Waste Network, was held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang. More than 350 enterprise representatives and industry experts from the waste incineration power generation industry attended the meeting to discuss feasible technical solutions for achieving long-term operation, maintenance, and compliant emissions of waste incineration power plants. They also exchanged and shared experiences on how to shape environmentally friendly waste incineration power plants. Our company was invited to attend the conference, and Vice General Manager Zhang Shengqiang delivered a report on the application of Fangxin Lihua low-temperature SCR catalyst in the treatment of waste incineration flue gas on behalf of the company.


Mr. Zhang gave a detailed introduction to Fangxin Lihua Company, low-temperature catalyst technology, current status of flue gas treatment in the waste incineration industry, and the application of Fangxin Lihua catalysts in the waste incineration industry. Zhang Shengqiang stated that traditional SNCR denitrification cannot meet the requirements of nitrogen oxide emissions. The existing large number of waste incineration production lines need to be renovated and equipped with SCR denitrification, while newly built production lines are generally equipped with SCR denitrification. Low temperature SCR denitrification can reduce enterprise operating energy consumption while ensuring denitrification efficiency and meeting emission standards. To meet the emission standards with a 750t/d waste incineration line, a 45-50m configuration is required ³ Catalyst estimation, the total catalyst demand for 2018 is approximately 5500-6200m ³, This does not include the usage of the original production line renovation. Most of the catalysts in this industry are monopolized by foreign imports, and domestic catalysts are less commonly used. After years of deep cultivation in non electric low-temperature denitrification, Fangxin Lihua has successfully broken the long-standing monopoly of low-temperature denitrification catalysts in the waste incineration industry in recent years, and achieved performance in nearly ten waste incineration lines (including under construction) for low-temperature denitrification.


At the end of the speech, during the interaction with the host, Zhang Shengqiang added to the host's Q&A that The smoke control emissions in the waste incineration industry are likely to develop from existing emission standards to ultra-low or even near zero emissions in the future, given that other industries have sufficient experience to learn from. This trend should be clear. Therefore, not only for existing smoke control technology providers but also for waste power plant users, it is necessary to consider future changes in environmental protection requirements and reserve sufficient margins.

In a special interview with Beixing after the meeting, Zhang Shengqiang provided detailed answers on the main application areas of Fangxin Lihua's low-temperature SCR denitrification catalysts, the differences between Fangxin Lihua's low-temperature SCR denitrification catalysts and those in the market, and the future research and development, application, and promotion directions of Fangxin Lihua's low-temperature SCR denitrification catalysts.
