Confirming Emission Standards | Henan Announces 2019 Industrial Furnace and Kiln Treatment Special Plan

Publishdate:2019-04-15 Views:20

Recently, Henan Province issued the "2019 Special Plan for Industrial Furnace and Kiln Governance in Henan Province". The plan has made specific regulations on the emission concentrations of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides in flue gas from eight major industries, including non-ferrous metals (including zinc oxide), glass products (glass fiber), refractory materials, ferroalloys, ceramics, brick kilns, corundum, and lime. At the same time, it requires that all ammonia denitrification and ammonia desulfurization processes have ammonia escape levels less than mg/Nm3.

In order to implement the Notice of the People's Government of Henan Province on Issuing the Three Year Action Plan for Pollution Prevention and Control in Henan Province (2018-2020) (Yuzheng [2018] No. 30) and the Notice of the Henan Province Pollution Prevention and Control Leading Group Office on Issuing the Implementation Plan for the 2019 Air Pollution Prevention and Control Campaign in Henan Province (Yuhuan Campaign Office [2019] No. 25), we will deepen the special management of industrial furnaces and kilns, and continuously improve the environmental air quality throughout the province, Fully complete the standard emission control of industrial furnaces and kilns in our province, and formulate this plan based on the actual situation in our province.

Overall requirements

With the improvement of environmental air quality as the core, we will promote the upgrading of industrial furnace structures and pollution reduction by classification. We will classify and rectify various types of kilns that do not have matching pollution control facilities and do not meet environmental requirements, and achieve comprehensive compliance with emission standards for industrial kilns. Continuously promote the construction of online monitoring facilities for industrial kilns, significantly reduce the total emissions of pollutants from industrial kilns, and ensure stable and compliant emissions of various industrial kilns.

2、 Work objectives

Carry out the shutdown, renovation, restructuring and integration of brick and tile kilns, lime kilns, tunnel kilns, calcination kilns, as well as various smelting and calcination furnaces. In accordance with the requirements of "local responsibility, industry supervision, classified treatment, legal compliance, and practical results", focus on solving problems such as incomplete pollution control facilities and substandard pollutant emissions in industrial kilns and furnaces. By the end of October 2019, all types of industrial kilns will achieve standard emissions.

3、 Main tasks

() Establish a list of industrial furnace and kiln management

Each city should focus on industries such as steel, non-ferrous metals, building materials, coking, and chemical engineering, and carry out a grid based inspection of 9 types of kilns (furnaces), including smelting furnaces, melting furnaces, sintering machines (furnaces), calcination furnaces, heating furnaces, heat treatment furnaces, drying furnaces (kilns), coke ovens, and gas generators. A detailed management list should be established by the end of March 2019, closely combined with the second pollution source census.

(2) Increase efforts to eliminate industrial furnaces and kilns

By the end of October 2019, all fuel gas generators with furnace diameters below 3m within the province will be phased out; Basic ban on coal-fired hot air stoves and coal-fired heating boilers in the steel industry; The non-ferrous industry has basically phased out coal-fired drying kilns, coal-fired reverberators, coal based lead melting pots, and electric lead pots; Basically eliminate coal-fired heating and drying furnaces (kilns) within the coverage range of the cogeneration heating network; Accelerate the elimination of batch fixed bed intermittent gasification furnaces in the fertilizer industry; Blast furnace gas and coke oven gas undergo refined desulfurization transformation, and the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the gas is less than 20 mg/Nm3.

(3) Implement deep governance of industrial furnaces and kilns

1. The non-ferrous metal (including zinc oxide) industry. By the end of 2019, the roasting furnaces, smelting furnaces, and melting furnaces of non-ferrous smelting and rolling enterprises will have completed standard improvement and management.

(1) The emission concentrations of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides in industrial smoke of copper, aluminum, lead, and zinc shall not exceed 10, 50, and 50 mg/Nm3, respectively.

(2) The emission concentrations of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and fluoride in the flue gas of the electrolytic aluminum industry shall not exceed 10, 35, and 2 mg/Nm3, respectively.

(3) The ammonia escape concentration for all ammonia denitrification and ammonia desulfurization processes is less than 8 mg/Nm3.

2. Glass products (fiberglass) industry. By the end of 2019, eligible glass product (fiberglass) enterprises in the province will complete the standardization and management.

(1) Implement dust removal, desulfurization, and denitrification transformation for glass furnaces. Under the condition of a reference oxygen content of 9%, the emission concentrations of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides shall not exceed 10, 100, and 260 mg/Nm3, respectively.

(2) The ammonia escape concentration for all ammonia denitrification and ammonia desulfurization processes is less than 8 mg/Nm3.

3. Refractory industry. By the end of 2019, the firing and baking processes (roller kiln, tunnel kiln, shuttle kiln) of qualified refractory enterprises in the province will have completed the standardization and management.

(1) Under the condition of a reference oxygen content of 18%, the emission concentrations of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides in kiln flue gas shall not exceed 10, 50, and 100 mg/Nm3, respectively.

(2) The ammonia escape concentration for all ammonia denitrification and ammonia desulfurization processes is less than 8 mg/Nm3.

4. The ferroalloy industry. By the end of 2019, eligible ferroalloy enterprises in the province will complete the standardization and management.

(1) Mineral heat furnaces and refining furnaces should be enclosed and equipped with dust removal facilities. The emission concentrations of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides should not exceed 10, 50, and 100 mg/Nm3, respectively. The emission concentration of particulate matter in the flue gas of ferroalloy production using a fully enclosed gas kiln shall not exceed 10 mg/Nm3.

(2) Medium frequency electric furnace ferroalloy enterprises shall construct enclosed gas collection hoods above the furnace mouth of the medium frequency electric furnace. The area of the gas collection hood shall cover the iron outlet (pouring port) and install supporting bag type dust removal facilities. The particle concentration shall not exceed 10 milligrams per cubic meter.

(3) The drying oven uses clean fuels such as natural gas (LNG), liquefied gas, and electricity, and is equipped with bag filters. The emission concentrations of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides are not higher than 10, 50, and 100 mg/Nm3, respectively.

(4) The ammonia escape concentration for all ammonia denitrification and ammonia desulfurization processes is less than 8 mg/Nm3.

5. Ceramic industry. By the end of 2019, eligible building ceramic and daily ceramic enterprises should complete the bidding management.

(1) Under the condition of 18% of the reference oxygen content, the emission concentrations of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in the flue gas of spray drying tower and ceramic kiln are not higher than 10, 35 and 100 mg/Nm3 respectively.

(2) All ammonia denitrification and ammonia desulfurization processes have ammonia escape of less than 8 mg/Nm3.

6. Brick and tile kiln industry. By the end of 2019, brick and tile kiln enterprises that meet the conditions will complete the standardization and management.

(1) Under the condition of a reference oxygen content of 18%, the emission concentrations of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides in artificially dried and roasted flue gas shall not exceed 10, 35, and 50 mg/Nm3, respectively.

(2) The ammonia escape concentration for all ammonia denitrification and ammonia desulfurization processes is less than 8 mg/Nm3.

7. Corundum industry. By the end of 2019, the smelting furnaces, melting furnaces, and alumina kilns of corundum enterprises have completed standard improvement and treatment. The emission concentration of particulate matter in kiln flue gas should not exceed 10 mg/Nm3, and other pollution factors should meet the requirements of the "Henan Industrial Kiln Air Pollutant Emission Standard" (DB41/1066-2015).

8. Lime manufacturing industry. By the end of 2019, lime manufacturing enterprises that meet the conditions shall complete the standard improvement and treatment.

(1) The lime kiln implements dust removal, desulfurization, and denitrification transformation. Under the condition of a reference oxygen content of 10%, the emission concentrations of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides are not higher than 10, 50, and 100 mg/Nm3, respectively.

(2) All ammonia denitrification and ammonia desulfurization processes have ammonia escape of less than 8 mg/Nm3.

Other industrial furnaces and kilns that have not yet formulated industry emission requirements shall be subject to emission limits of particulate matter, SO2, and NOx not exceeding 30, 200, and 300 mg/Nm3, respectively. If they fail to meet the relevant requirements from November 1, 2019, production shall be suspended for rectification. Completely eliminate dust removal facilities such as single gravity settling chambers, cyclone dust collectors, multi tube dust collectors, water film dust collectors, and biological dust reduction facilities with simple environmental protection processes and poor pollution control effects, as well as desulfurization facilities such as water washing method, simple alkali method, simple ammonia method, and biological desulfurization.

For enterprises that have clear plans for transformation and production, relocation from cities to parks, or closure and exit, they may no longer implement deep standard upgrading governance. Starting from January 1, 2021, all production processes of non-ferrous (including zinc oxide), glass products (fiberglass), refractory materials, ferroalloys, ceramics, brick kilns, corundum, lime, casting, and chemical enterprises located in the built-up areas of provincial cities shall have emission concentrations of particulate matter, SO2, and NOx not exceeding 10, 35, and 50 mg/Nm3 respectively.

(5) Constructing online monitoring facilities for industrial furnaces and kilns

By the end of September 2019, industrial kiln enterprises using coal (coal gangue, fly ash), petroleum coke, residual oil, heavy oil, etc. as fuel or raw materials must install online monitoring facilities for pollutant emissions and connect with environmental protection departments.

4、 Safeguard measures

() Strengthen organizational guidance. Various regions should strengthen the guidance and supervision of the special governance of industrial kilns, refine target tasks, decompose and implement responsibilities, and ensure that the rectification tasks are completed according to the time nodes. The units using industrial furnaces and kilns are the main responsible parties for pollution control. They must strictly follow the requirements of this plan for pollution control, choose advanced and mature treatment technologies, and carry out comprehensive treatment to ensure stable and standard discharge of pollutants.

(2) Strict law enforcement and supervision. Serious implementation of the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China. For enterprises that fail to meet the emission standards within the prescribed time limit, they shall be ordered to correct or restrict production, suspend production and rectify in accordance with the law, and be fined. If the circumstances are serious, they shall be approved by the people's government with approval authority, ordered to suspend operation and close down, and atmospheric environmental violations shall be severely cracked down on to ensure public health and social stability.

(3) Strengthen dispatch supervision. Each region should regularly organize on-site supervision, timely grasp the progress of work, identify existing problems, clarify rectification requirements, and strive to start all governance projects as soon as possible to ensure timely completion of tasks. After the completion of the governance project, the enterprise should conduct timely monitoring to ensure stable compliance with the relevant emission standards of the province.

Recently, Henan Province issued the "2019 Special Plan for Industrial Furnace and Kiln Governance in Henan Province". The plan has made specific regulations on the emission concentrations of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides in flue gas from eight major industries, including non-ferrous metals (including zinc oxide), glass products (glass fiber), refractory materials, ferroalloys, ceramics, brick kilns, corundum, and lime. At the same time, it requires that all ammonia denitrification and ammonia desulfurization processes have ammonia escape levels less than mg/Nm3.

In order to implement the Notice of the People's Government of Henan Province on Issuing the Three Year Action Plan for Pollution Prevention and Control in Henan Province (2018-2020) (Yuzheng [2018] No. 30) and the Notice of the Henan Province Pollution Prevention and Control Leading Group Office on Issuing the Implementation Plan for the 2019 Air Pollution Prevention and Control Campaign in Henan Province (Yuhuan Campaign Office [2019] No. 25), we will deepen the special management of industrial furnaces and kilns, and continuously improve the environmental air quality throughout the province, Fully complete the standard emission control of industrial furnaces and kilns in our province, and formulate this plan based on the actual situation in our province.

Overall requirements

With the improvement of environmental air quality as the core, we will promote the upgrading of industrial furnace structures and pollution reduction by classification. We will classify and rectify various types of kilns that do not have matching pollution control facilities and do not meet environmental requirements, and achieve comprehensive compliance with emission standards for industrial kilns. Continuously promote the construction of online monitoring facilities for industrial kilns, significantly reduce the total emissions of pollutants from industrial kilns, and ensure stable and compliant emissions of various industrial kilns.

2、 Work objectives

Carry out the shutdown, renovation, restructuring and integration of brick and tile kilns, lime kilns, tunnel kilns, calcination kilns, as well as various smelting and calcination furnaces. In accordance with the requirements of "local responsibility, industry supervision, classified treatment, legal compliance, and practical results", focus on solving problems such as incomplete pollution control facilities and substandard pollutant emissions in industrial kilns and furnaces. By the end of October 2019, all types of industrial kilns will achieve standard emissions.

3、 Main tasks

() Establish a list of industrial furnace and kiln management

Each city should focus on industries such as steel, non-ferrous metals, building materials, coking, and chemical engineering, and carry out a grid based inspection of 9 types of kilns (furnaces), including smelting furnaces, melting furnaces, sintering machines (furnaces), calcination furnaces, heating furnaces, heat treatment furnaces, drying furnaces (kilns), coke ovens, and gas generators. A detailed management list should be established by the end of March 2019, closely combined with the second pollution source census.

(2) Increase efforts to eliminate industrial furnaces and kilns

By the end of October 2019, all fuel gas generators with furnace diameters below 3m within the province will be phased out; Basic ban on coal-fired hot air stoves and coal-fired heating boilers in the steel industry; The non-ferrous industry has basically phased out coal-fired drying kilns, coal-fired reverberators, coal based lead melting pots, and electric lead pots; Basically eliminate coal-fired heating and drying furnaces (kilns) within the coverage range of the cogeneration heating network; Accelerate the elimination of batch fixed bed intermittent gasification furnaces in the fertilizer industry; Blast furnace gas and coke oven gas undergo refined desulfurization transformation, and the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in the gas is less than 20 mg/Nm3.

(3) Implement deep governance of industrial furnaces and kilns

1. The non-ferrous metal (including zinc oxide) industry. By the end of 2019, the roasting furnaces, smelting furnaces, and melting furnaces of non-ferrous smelting and rolling enterprises will have completed standard improvement and management.

(1) The emission concentrations of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides in industrial smoke of copper, aluminum, lead, and zinc shall not exceed 10, 50, and 50 mg/Nm3, respectively.

(2) The emission concentrations of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and fluoride in the flue gas of the electrolytic aluminum industry shall not exceed 10, 35, and 2 mg/Nm3, respectively.

(3) The ammonia escape concentration for all ammonia denitrification and ammonia desulfurization processes is less than 8 mg/Nm3.

2. Glass products (fiberglass) industry. By the end of 2019, eligible glass product (fiberglass) enterprises in the province will complete the standardization and management.

(1) Implement dust removal, desulfurization, and denitrification transformation for glass furnaces. Under the condition of a reference oxygen content of 9%, the emission concentrations of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides shall not exceed 10, 100, and 260 mg/Nm3, respectively.

(2) The ammonia escape concentration for all ammonia denitrification and ammonia desulfurization processes is less than 8 mg/Nm3.

3. Refractory industry. By the end of 2019, the firing and baking processes (roller kiln, tunnel kiln, shuttle kiln) of qualified refractory enterprises in the province will have completed the standardization and management.

(1) Under the condition of a reference oxygen content of 18%, the emission concentrations of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides in kiln flue gas shall not exceed 10, 50, and 100 mg/Nm3, respectively.

(2) The ammonia escape concentration for all ammonia denitrification and ammonia desulfurization processes is less than 8 mg/Nm3.

4. The ferroalloy industry. By the end of 2019, eligible ferroalloy enterprises in the province will complete the standardization and management.

(1) Mineral heat furnaces and refining furnaces should be enclosed and equipped with dust removal facilities. The emission concentrations of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides should not exceed 10, 50, and 100 mg/Nm3, respectively. The emission concentration of particulate matter in the flue gas of ferroalloy production using a fully enclosed gas kiln shall not exceed 10 mg/Nm3.

(2) Medium frequency electric furnace ferroalloy enterprises shall construct enclosed gas collection hoods above the furnace mouth of the medium frequency electric furnace. The area of the gas collection hood shall cover the iron outlet (pouring port) and install supporting bag type dust removal facilities. The particle concentration shall not exceed 10 milligrams per cubic meter.

(3) The drying oven uses clean fuels such as natural gas (LNG), liquefied gas, and electricity, and is equipped with bag filters. The emission concentrations of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides are not higher than 10, 50, and 100 mg/Nm3, respectively.

(4) The ammonia escape concentration for all ammonia denitrification and ammonia desulfurization processes is less than 8 mg/Nm3.

5. Ceramic industry. By the end of 2019, eligible building ceramic and daily ceramic enterprises should complete the bidding management.

(1) Under the condition of 18% of the reference oxygen content, the emission concentrations of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in the flue gas of spray drying tower and ceramic kiln are not higher than 10, 35 and 100 mg/Nm3 respectively.

(2) All ammonia denitrification and ammonia desulfurization processes have ammonia escape of less than 8 mg/Nm3.

6. Brick and tile kiln industry. By the end of 2019, brick and tile kiln enterprises that meet the conditions will complete the standardization and management.

(1) Under the condition of a reference oxygen content of 18%, the emission concentrations of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides in artificially dried and roasted flue gas shall not exceed 10, 35, and 50 mg/Nm3, respectively.

(2) The ammonia escape concentration for all ammonia denitrification and ammonia desulfurization processes is less than 8 mg/Nm3.

7. Corundum industry. By the end of 2019, the smelting furnaces, melting furnaces, and alumina kilns of corundum enterprises have completed standard improvement and treatment. The emission concentration of particulate matter in kiln flue gas should not exceed 10 mg/Nm3, and other pollution factors should meet the requirements of the "Henan Industrial Kiln Air Pollutant Emission Standard" (DB41/1066-2015).

8. Lime manufacturing industry. By the end of 2019, lime manufacturing enterprises that meet the conditions shall complete the standard improvement and treatment.

(1) The lime kiln implements dust removal, desulfurization, and denitrification transformation. Under the condition of a reference oxygen content of 10%, the emission concentrations of particulate matter, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen oxides are not higher than 10, 50, and 100 mg/Nm3, respectively.

(2) All ammonia denitrification and ammonia desulfurization processes have ammonia escape of less than 8 mg/Nm3.

Other industrial furnaces and kilns that have not yet formulated industry emission requirements shall be subject to emission limits of particulate matter, SO2, and NOx not exceeding 30, 200, and 300 mg/Nm3, respectively. If they fail to meet the relevant requirements from November 1, 2019, production shall be suspended for rectification. Completely eliminate dust removal facilities such as single gravity settling chambers, cyclone dust collectors, multi tube dust collectors, water film dust collectors, and biological dust reduction facilities with simple environmental protection processes and poor pollution control effects, as well as desulfurization facilities such as water washing method, simple alkali method, simple ammonia method, and biological desulfurization.

For enterprises that have clear plans for transformation and production, relocation from cities to parks, or closure and exit, they may no longer implement deep standard upgrading governance. Starting from January 1, 2021, all production processes of non-ferrous (including zinc oxide), glass products (fiberglass), refractory materials, ferroalloys, ceramics, brick kilns, corundum, lime, casting, and chemical enterprises located in the built-up areas of provincial cities shall have emission concentrations of particulate matter, SO2, and NOx not exceeding 10, 35, and 50 mg/Nm3 respectively.

(5) Constructing online monitoring facilities for industrial furnaces and kilns

By the end of September 2019, industrial kiln enterprises using coal (coal gangue, fly ash), petroleum coke, residual oil, heavy oil, etc. as fuel or raw materials must install online monitoring facilities for pollutant emissions and connect with environmental protection departments.

4、 Safeguard measures

() Strengthen organizational guidance. Various regions should strengthen the guidance and supervision of the special governance of industrial kilns, refine target tasks, decompose and implement responsibilities, and ensure that the rectification tasks are completed according to the time nodes. The units using industrial furnaces and kilns are the main responsible parties for pollution control. They must strictly follow the requirements of this plan for pollution control, choose advanced and mature treatment technologies, and carry out comprehensive treatment to ensure stable and standard discharge of pollutants.

(2) Strict law enforcement and supervision. Serious implementation of the Environmental Protection Law of the People's Republic of China and the Air Pollution Prevention and Control Law of the People's Republic of China. For enterprises that fail to meet the emission standards within the prescribed time limit, they shall be ordered to correct or restrict production, suspend production and rectify in accordance with the law, and be fined. If the circumstances are serious, they shall be approved by the people's government with approval authority, ordered to suspend operation and close down, and atmospheric environmental violations shall be severely cracked down on to ensure public health and social stability.

(3) Strengthen dispatch supervision. Each region should regularly organize on-site supervision, timely grasp the progress of work, identify existing problems, clarify rectification requirements, and strive to start all governance projects as soon as possible to ensure timely completion of tasks. After the completion of the governance project, the enterprise should conduct timely monitoring to ensure stable compliance with the relevant emission standards of the province.